上海郊区发展的主要任务 陈良宇市长在上海市郊区工作会议上的讲话(摘要)

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陈良宇在讲话中提出了上海郊区发展要着力抓好的十大任务,并提出了经过调研,解决“三农”问题的若干重要政策,这对于加快上海城乡一体化、农业现代化、农村城市化、农民市民化必将产生巨大的推动作用。我们相信在市委、市政府的正确领导下,经过全市人民的共同努力,一定能够进一步开创上海郊区改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的新局面。 In his speech, Chen Liangyu put forward the top ten tasks to be focused on the development of Shanghai’s suburbs and put forward some important policies after the investigation and resolution of the “three rural issues”, which is of great significance to accelerating the integration of urban and rural areas in Shanghai, agricultural modernization, rural cities The transformation of peasants will surely have a huge impetus. We believe that with the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and government and the joint efforts of the people in the city, we will surely be able to further open up a new situation in Shanghai’s suburban reform, opening up and socialist modernization.
为什么做产科  安琪儿不是我的第一个。  我从四川大学毕业后,从事过一些医疗健康事业。但那只是在试水,经营几年后觉得不是我想要的:能赚钱,但是得不到大家的认可,也得不到人家的尊重。我要做的就是今天的安琪儿,要得到四个认可:政府认可、同行认可、客户认可、员工认可。  以前做综合医院,没办法做大做强,因为PK不过公立医院。你只能做公立医院里头比较弱的那一块,只能去做专科。  为什么选产科?产科是医疗行