
来源 :古建园林技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:testjmalt
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北京隆福寺正觉殿明间藻井修复设计与浅析李小涛北京隆福寺,始建于明景泰四年(1453年),为代宗朱祁钰敕建的寺院(《明实录》),明清两代均有修耷。该寺毁于1977年。据记载,守规模宏大壮观,前后五重院落。中轴线主要建筑依次为山门、天王殿、正觉殿、毗卢殿... The design and analysis of the algae wells in Zhengjue Temple of Longfu Temple in Beijing. Li Xiaotao, Beijing Longfu Temple, was built in Mingjingtai in four years (1453). It is the temple of Daizong Zhu Rongjian (“Mingshi”), the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are repairs. The temple was destroyed in 1977. According to records, the scale of the grand and spectacular, before and after the five-yard. The main buildings on the central axis are Shanmen, Tianwang Hall, Zhengjue Hall, Pilu Hall.