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目的考察盐酸贝那普利分散片制备工艺并优化处方,确定适合工业生产的最佳处方。方法采用单因素法分别考察崩解剂及用量、填充剂种类对盐酸贝那普利分散片崩解时间、分散均匀性、溶出度的影响,得到最优处方。结果盐酸贝那普利分散片的处方组成为:填充剂为微晶纤维素,崩解剂为5%羧甲基纤维素钠(cCMC-Na),黏合剂为5%羟丙基纤维素(HPC)的水溶液,助流剂为滑石粉,润滑剂为硬脂酸镁。结论制备的盐酸贝那普利分散片各项指标均符合规定,工艺稳定可靠。 Objective To study the preparation process of benazepril hydrochloride dispersible tablets and optimize the prescription to determine the best prescription for industrial production. Methods The single factor method was used to investigate the effect of disintegrant, dosage and type of filler on disintegration time, dispersion uniformity and dissolution of benazepril hydrochloride dispersible tablets respectively. Results The formulation of benazepril hydrochloride dispersible tablets was as follows: the filler was microcrystalline cellulose, the disintegrant was 5% sodium carboxymethylcellulose (cCMC-Na) and the binder was 5% hydroxypropylcellulose HPC) in water, the glidant is talc and the lubricant is magnesium stearate. Conclusion The prepared benazepril hydrochloride dispersible tablets meet the specifications, the process is stable and reliable.
采用UASB-A/O工艺处理制药废水,在进水COD浓度为37580 mg/L时,经工艺处理后,废水中COD去除率可达98%以上,出水达到设计要求。工程运行实践表明,该技术处理效果良好,是解决高
As a courageous entrepreneur,he decided to invest in the mainland at the begining of reform and opening-up and step by step creating a colossal business empire.
极低出生体重儿(very low birth weight in-fant,VLBWl)是指出生体重在1000~1499g之间的早产儿,其各系统器官发育不成熟,生存能力低下,易发生各种并发症,死亡率极高,预后差。
Pituitary apoplexy is a life threatening condition caused by sudden hemorrhage or infarction of the pituitary gland. Most patients present with headaches and ne