
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javabudong
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一、项目背景三亚村庄改造建设总体规划是在国家推进新型城镇化建设的背景下提出的,同时也反映了三亚村庄发展的现实需求。三亚市从2002年开始就将城乡统筹作为政府工作的重点,不断加大农村地区的公共投入,但这种以基础设施建设为主的“输血式”投入并不能带来农村地区的持续发展。另外,随着国际旅游岛建设的不断深入,三亚城市扩张速度加快,大量城中村、城边村出现,城乡发展的矛盾和冲突加剧,村庄发展陷入困局。为了更好地指 I. Project Background The overall plan for the reconstruction and reconstruction of villages in Sanya is put forward in the context of promoting the new-type urbanization in the country. It also reflects the realistic needs of village development in Sanya. Since 2002, Sanya City has made overall planning of urban and rural areas the focus of its government work and continuously increased its public investment in rural areas. However, such “blood transfusion” investment mainly in infrastructure construction can not sustain the rural areas development of. In addition, with the deepening of the construction of international tourist islands, the expansion of cities in Sanya accelerated, a large number of villages in cities, towns and villages appeared, the contradictions and conflicts between urban and rural development intensified, and the development of villages was in a dilemma. In order to better refer to