软 X射线激光有别于其它相干软 X射线辐射源的特性是其产生高能脉冲的潜力。由大型光学激光抽运的软 X射线激光输出能量已达几个毫焦耳。然而产生这些软 X射线激光脉冲的激光装置很大 ,而且它们的重复率限于几分钟一次或更少。前几年在研制以较高重复率运转的桌面软 X射线放大
Soft X-ray laser is different from other coherent soft X-ray radiation source is its potential to produce high-energy pulse. Soft X-ray lasers that are pumped by a large optical laser can output several millijoules of energy. The laser devices that generate these soft X-ray laser pulses, however, are large and their repetition rate limited to once or less every few minutes. A few years ago in the development of a high repetition rate of desktop soft X-ray amplification