2000年12月25日,广州。庄严的法庭,锃亮的手铐。原广东进出口商品检验局党组书记、副局长李军(正厅级)站在审判台上,花白的头发格外引人注目。旁听者一片惋惜:他本来处于事业的巅峰期,现在却沦为阶下囚…… 广州市中级法院刑二庭副庭长李燕宣读该院的一审判决:“被告人李军利用职务便利,收受和索取贿赂款、物,折合计人民币276275.60元……李军犯受贿罪,判处有期徒刑12年,并处没收财产人民币25万元。”
December 25, 2000, Guangzhou. Solemn court, bright handcuffs. Former Party Secretary of Guangdong Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau, Li Jun, deputy director (at the level of the main hall) stood on the trial stage, the gray hair was particularly noticeable. Observers a pity: he was at the peak of his career, but now reduced to prison ... Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court sentenced Li Yan, vice president of court two court read the first instance verdict: "defendant Li Jun to take advantage of his position to accept and Request bribe money and goods, equivalent to a total of 276,275.60 yuan ...... Li Jun guilty of accepting bribes, sentenced to 12 years imprisonment, and property confiscation of 250,000 yuan.