e时代来临,手机成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分,它缩短了人与人之间的空间距离,增进了交流与沟通,尤其是戏称为“大拇指运动”的发短消息更为盛行,加入手机一族成为信息时代的一大主流。 科技改变了生活,但同时也造成了伤害,经常使用手机的人会出现头痛,耳鸣的现象,根据研究有可能是受电磁波的影响,而且常使用移动电话的人,听力容易衰退,常易换肾脏方面疾病。肾脏疾病经常会引起内电解质的紊乱,造成钙、磷等矿物质流失,导致患骨质疏松
E era, mobile phones become an indispensable part of people’s lives, it shortened the distance between people and enhance communication and communication, especially the drama known as the “thumb movement” is more prevalent, join A mobile phone family has become a major mainstream of the information age. Technology has changed the life, but also caused harm, people who often use cell phones will have headaches, tinnitus, according to the study may be affected by electromagnetic waves, and often use the mobile phone, easy to recess the hearing, often easy to change Kidney disease. Kidney disease often leads to electrolyte imbalance, resulting in the loss of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, resulting in osteoporosis