The active measurement of P2P system to understand its status and trends can provide a reliable measurement basis for its system modeling and simulation.Based on the coupon collection problem, an optimized BT cluster rapid measurement model is proposed.The model expands the data by reducing the expectation and expanding the data Source and concurrent requests can reduce the number of request experiments and information repetition rate 67.12%, and can cover 95% of the cluster nodes.An active measurement platform is built based on this model, and 49854 Torrentz clusters and 98 HDChina regional PT clusters For a long time measurement and analysis.The results show that the vast majority of the cluster size does not exceed 10000 nodes, 95% of its coverage to complete the snapshot time of not more than 22 minutes.For nodes in the cluster, then analyzed its geographical distribution, use Preference and transmission performance, etc. In addition, comparing Torrentz with HDChina cluster, we found that the latter, as a regional PT cluster, has a small cluster and a concentrated geographical distribution, but the node download speed is generally faster.