母亲花 萱草情

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2016年,又一个母亲节到了,正恰逢祁东县举办首届“中国·祁东黄花菜节”。很早就想为母亲写一篇文章,但眼高手低、才疏学浅,却不知道从何处下笔。这也许是母亲太伟大、太熟悉、太普通的缘由吧!然而,母亲又像一株亭亭玉立、平淡无奇的萱草花,永远铭刻在孩儿的心坎上。萱草花是黄花菜的学名,古叫忘忧草,俗称金针菜,属百合科,是一种多年生草本植物的花蕾。记得《诗经》疏称:“北堂幽暗,可以种萱。”北堂也叫萱堂,即代表母亲之意。由 In 2016, another Mother’s Day arrived, coincided with the first held in Qidong County, “China Qidong Day”. Very early wanted to write an article for the mother, but the eye is low, only sparsely learned, but do not know where to write. This may be a mother too great, too familiar, too common reason! However, the mother is like a slim, bland flower Hemerocallis, always engraved in the child’s heart. Hemerocallis is the day-lily flower science, ancient forgetful grass, commonly known as lily, is a liliaceae, is a perennial herb buds. I remember the “Book of Songs,” said: “North Church gloomy, you can kind of Xuan.” North Church also called Xuan Tang, that represents the meaning of the mother. by
研究背景    目前,各大中专院校、中小学校和一些科研单位的实验室里所使用的易挥发性液体储液瓶,都是瓶口朝上的普通玻璃瓶。储液瓶瓶口大,在不装满液体时内部有一个相对较大的空间。液体表面较大,则液体挥发面大。用这样的玻璃瓶储存挥发性液体极易造成液体挥发,挥发量有时候还是大量的。我经过长期使用和观察,发现即使在瓶口密封很严的条件下也是如此。液体挥发有时只是涉及经济损失问题,如果是有害有毒液体的挥发还会