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根據我省夏、秋徵入库三年來經驗,為避免和杜絕人畜傷亡,保證好粮入倉,减少今後的浪費與損失,各级领导必須注意以下事項: 一、加强運粮入庫的组织領導工作,以杜絕人畜伤亡,是極其重要的。事前应積極普遍向送粮群众進行安全教育,禁止老、弱、病、幼、残廢、孕婦及孕畜參加送粮和掼粮入库工作;沿途險路狹道橋樑如不堪行走,应事先進行修理;對群众醫藥、茶水、住宿,必須負责设立茶水站、很好照顾。上述各項安全设备,在沿途責成財政部門辦理,到庫后一切安全设备由粮食部門負責。入庫前根據粮食使用計划(如供應部隊、修路、市场需要)及流轉方向,作出破界入庫計划,以節約人力物力。二、今年夏徵公粮以以麦為主,粮质以当地當年中等以上粮食為標準,顆粒飽滿、顏色純正、水份百分之十三、灰雜百分之○·百以下。生虫、生芽、泥麥不收。為保證好粮入库,事先財、粮部門应很好配合,在計算負担、宣傳政策同時,必須對群众進行繳納愛國公粮的政治教育、規定合理的樣品和群众見面,啟發群众自覺,掀起(?)粮運動,展開互比互查,達到“壞粮不出村”的要求,以免因品質不够標準,造成群众沿途往返的不良現象。 According to the experiences of three years in summer and autumn in our province, in order to avoid and put an end to human and animal deaths, ensure good grain warehousing and reduce waste and loss in the future, leaders at all levels must pay attention to the following matters: First, strengthen the organization and leadership of grain storage and storage In order to put an end to the tragedies of human beings and livestock, it is extremely important. In advance, they should actively and universally provide safety education to the grain-sending masses and prohibit the participation of old, weak, sick, young, disabled, pregnant women and pregnant animals in delivery of grain and grain storage; To carry out repairs; To the masses of medicine, tea, accommodation, must be responsible for the establishment of tea station, take good care of. The above-mentioned safety equipment shall be ordered by the financial department along the way and all the safety equipment shall be handled by the grain department after the arrival of the storehouse. According to the food utilization plan (such as the supply of troops, road construction and market needs) and the direction of circulation before storage, a plan should be made to break the warehousing and warehousing so as to save manpower and material resources. Second, this year Zhenggong grain to wheat-based, grain in the middle of the year when more than grain as the standard, full of particles, pure color, moisture 13%, mixed with ○ ○ hundred percent below. Pests, buds, mud and wheat do not accept. In order to ensure good grain storage, the prior fiscal and grain departments should work well together. While calculating the burden and publicizing policies, we must educate the masses about patriotic public grain politics, stipulate reasonable samples and meet with the masses, inspire the masses to consciously set off a ?) Grain movement, expand each other mutual investigation, to achieve “bad grain is not out of the village ” requirement, so as to avoid the quality is not enough standards, causing the masses to and from the bad phenomenon.
本文重点从钢铁流程界面技术、自主创新亮点、循环经济和节能减排技术等方面阐述重钢新区规划设计特点及创新,展现了现阶段我国钢铁厂规划设计及建设的新成就. 重钢新区