
来源 :航天 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chris_1988
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1994年7~12月世界各国共进行了55次成功的发射,入轨的航天器共69个。其中俄罗斯发射30次,入轨的航天器共39个;美国14次,为本国发射航天器14个,为国际通信卫星组织发射1个;阿里安空间公司5次共发射航天器9个;中国4次为本国发射航天器2个,为澳大利亚和亚太卫星组织各发射1个;日本1次为本国发射航天器1个;印度1次,入轨航天器1个。 1994年世界各国共发射成功89次,入轨航天器124个。到1994年底止各国发射成功3666次,入轨航天器4628个。 From July to December 1994, a total of 55 successful launches were carried out in all countries in the world, with 69 orbiting spacecraft. Among them, Russia launched 30 rounds of orbiting spacecraft a total of 39; the United States 14 times, 14 for its own spacecraft, 1 for the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization; 5 for the Arianespace spacecraft total launch spacecraft; 9 China Four for the national launch of two spacecraft, one for each of Australia and Asia-Pacific satellite organizations; one for Japan to launch a spacecraft; one for India and one to orbit spacecraft. In 1994, a total of 89 successful launches were carried out in all countries in the world and 124 spacecraft were orbited. By the end of 1994, 3666 successful launches were made by all countries and 4628 orbits were put into orbit.
发表以下文章,并不表示本刊赞同或证实其观点,仅供参考。 The publication of the following articles does not mean that our journal supports or validates its views f
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