About Industrial Design-user-friendly design

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  Abstract:The object is the product of industrial design,but the design's purpose is to meet people's needs,therefore,in essence,product design is the 'man' design,the starting point and destination is to promote the comprehensive development,and constantly meet people's growing material and spiritual needs.
  Keywords:industrial design,user-friendly product,product design
  Products including a product's form factor,some consumers may be visual,tactile perception of product information,etc.,such as materials,colors,shapes,and some are further through the use of consumer products can be perceived as product design is reasonable,whether to give operation to bring convenience,comfort and efficiency.a structure identical to the shell,such as the mussel shells and eggs together,because of its material,shape,texture,color difference,caused psychological feelings of the people is different,so user-friendly product form is the product to consumers to meet their physical and psychological needs of the information carrier.for the pursuit of human shape design,designers often use unique shape language.
  The so-called humanized products,ergonomic products is included,as long as 'people' are using the product,should be considered in the man-machine engineering,product styling and ergonomics are combined no doubt we can they are described as:the psychology of a circle,the radius of the physiological as to establish and objects(products)a harmonious relationship between the way to maximize our human potential,a comprehensive and balanced use of human muscle to protect human health,to improve productivity.only from the perspective of industrial design in this category,ranging from aerospace systems,urban planning,building facilities,automated factories,machinery and equipment,transport,small furniture,clothing,stationery and pots,cups,dishes and the like created a variety of production and life of 'objects',in the design and manufacture must be the 'human factor' as an important condition to consider.If the product category is divided into specialized supplies and general supplies,then,professional supplies in the human Machine engineering will have more to consider,it is more emphasis on the physiological level,while the general product you must take into account the psychological issues that require more in line with the trend of design and aesthetics,that is to be a product of human demand-driven.
  Ergonomics significant feature is a careful study of man,machine and environment characteristics of the three elements on the basis of their own,not simply focus on individual elements of the fine or not,but will use 'objects' and the design of 'objects' as well as people with 'objects' of the coexistence of the environment as a system to study in ergonomics will be called the system 'man - machine - environment' system which,man,machine and environment the interaction between three elements,relationship of interdependence determines the overall system performance.the discipline of human-machine system design theory,is the scientific use of the organic links between the three elements of the system to find the best parameters.   However,a good product design is to cover the form and human factors,the same shape as the product can also have the opportunity to play for man-machine engineering.To TEAGE designed for the Microsoft mouse ball in terms of ease of use,the mouse is particularly designed for children to experience the computer,before the decision in the program mode grip of children were studied,two hue between yellow and white mouse ball to make children in learning the computer,increasing the fun and functional.
  Throughout the course of the study,human engineers and industrial designers must be involved throughout,but mainly in the secondary role of the various stages will be different.For example:product concept led by the industrial designers,test engineers,led by the man-machine,each step in the form of serial communication script.Each product has its own characteristics on the ergonomics,especially consumer products for automotive interior design,the ergonomic needs expressed there are three ways:First,the control interface,such as the steering wheel design,and second seats and interior design,such as some of the bus seat,or chair back boss the upper,has a bulging convex hull for most Chinese people,the convex hull is often top of the back of the head,leaning back after making body,had to bow slightly from the design,this road convex hull was originally used by the neck cavity pad,makes the neck more comfortable.The problem occurs because of the design and production of these seats directly from abroad,but no producers in the West in the body to reconsider aspects of the different size of copying.The results of the convex hull of the West pad on the neck to withstand the back of the head of our three intelligence communication system,such as navigation and security alarm system design.
  China's future product design must be based on creativity and innovation in the primary condition,the only truly useful and practical products to stand out in the market,so that consumers feel intimate and affordable product side is winning a great business tool.Ergonomically engineering,ergonomic design is the most realistic,but also the most cutting-edge fashion and trends,is a manifestation of human spirit,is the perfect harmony between man and product combination.human nature of the design truly reflects the respect and care for people.
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