科学研究和生产实践都证明,在头季稻抽穗后施用速效氮肥作促芽肥,对培育再生稻有利。本试验研究不同的促芽肥用量和施用时期对头季稻的影响和对再生稻发苗、成穗及产量的作用,以期能为适时适量地施用促芽肥提供依据。材料和方法试验于1981年在永川地区农科所进行,供试品种“矮优2号”。各处理如下: 1、头季稻基、蘖肥量。①每亩施纯氮25斤,以15斤氮的奶牛粪作基肥,10斤氮的尿素作耙面肥和分蘖肥,简称“高基”;②每亩施纯氮10斤,全用尿素作耙面肥和分蘖肥,
Scientific research and production practices have proved that the application of quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer as a bud fertilizer after heading in the first crop of rice is good for cultivating regenerating rice. This experiment studied the effects of different application amount of bud-promoting fertilizer and the application period on the first crop of paddy and the effect on seedling, ear and yield of ratooning rice, in order to provide the basis for timely application of sprout fertilizer. Materials and methods The experiment was carried out in 1981 in Yongchuan Agricultural Science Institute, the test varieties “Shorty 2”. The treatment is as follows: 1, the first season rice base, tillering amount. ① 25 kg of pure nitrogen per acre, with 15 kg of nitrogen cow manure as basal fertilizer, 10 kg of nitrogen urea for rake fat and tillering fertilizer, referred to as “high base”; Raking fertilizer and tillering fertilizer,