设计勘察部门面临改革,走向企业化,经济效益的有无、大小将成为单位生存的条件。在这种形势下如何发挥科技情报的作用? 在此,以四川省化工设计院为例解析一下科技情报工作的状况。科技文献工作面临的新情况 1984年底馆藏科技文献6.4万册,近年年增长量在5000册左右。其中图书占23.6%、标准占7.8%、样本2.5%、手册4.0%、期刊14.5%、外购参考图13.4%、内部资料26.0%、技术档案7.9%。近年来,文献贮藏结构发生了变化,据
Design and survey departments are facing reform, to the enterprise, the availability of economic benefits, the size will be the unit of survival conditions. In this situation how to play the role of scientific and technological intelligence? In this regard, Sichuan Chemical Industry Institute as an example to analyze the status of scientific and technological intelligence. New Situation Facing Scientific and Technical Documentation Work At the end of 1984, 64,000 scientific and technological documents were collected, with annual growth of about 5,000 in recent years. Among them, 23.6% were books, 7.8% were standards, 2.5% were samples, 4.0% were manuals, 14.5% were journals, 13.4% were purchased reference materials, 26.0% were internal materials, and 7.9% were technical files. In recent years, the literature storage structure has changed, according to