进入“十一五”以来,中国金融体制改革不断深化,金融领域出现了一些新的现象和趋势,其中就包括私募股权基金(Private Equity Fund)的出现。私募股权基金作为国际主流的直接投资工具,不仅可以成为我国深化金融改革与创新的有效路径,也将对我国产业发展产生深远的影响。
Since entering the 11th Five-Year Plan, the reform of China’s financial system has been deepening. Some new phenomena and trends have emerged in the financial sector, including the emergence of the Private Equity Fund. As a direct investment tool in the international mainstream, private equity funds can not only become an effective path for China to deepen financial reform and innovation, but also have a profound impact on the development of China’s industry.