
来源 :中国汽配市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xds24
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国家公安部交管局统计,截至2017年3月底,全国机动车保有量达到300280590辆,其中汽车达200192782辆;机动车驾驶人超3.64亿人,其中汽车驾驶人3.2亿人。12个省份机动车超过1000万辆,广东、山东、河南3省超过2000万辆。全国有49个城市汽车保有量超过100万辆,19个城市的汽车超过200万辆,其中北京、成都、重庆、上海、苏州、深圳6个城市的汽车超过300万辆,庞大的汽车保有量规模也催生了汽车后市场的快速发展。 According to the statistics of the State Administration of Traffic Traffic Management Bureau, as of the end of March 2017, the number of motor vehicles in the country reached 300,280,590, of which 200,192,782 were automobiles; that of motor vehicles was 346 million, of which 320 million were motorists. More than 10 million motor vehicles in 12 provinces and over 20 million vehicles in Guangdong, Shandong and Henan provinces. There are 49 cities across the country with more than 1 million vehicles and 19 cities with more than 2 million vehicles. Of these, over 3 million vehicles are in six cities in Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Shenzhen. The large car ownership The scale also gave birth to the rapid development of automobile after market.