
来源 :乙醛醋酸化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuobinning
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间苯二甲酸(IPA)又名1,3-苯二甲酸或异酞酸,可发生成盐、脱水、加氢、卤化等反应,在特种纤维、聚酯(PET)树脂、不饱和聚酯(UPR)树脂、醇酸树脂涂料、印刷油墨、热熔黏合剂、聚酯纤维染色改性和树脂增塑等方面具有广泛的用途,其市场开发利用前景广阔。1、世界市场需求分析与发展近年来,全球IPA产能小幅度增长,2003年世界IPA产能为78.8万吨/年、2006年为81.0万吨/年,2010年达到98.0万吨/年,生产主要集中在美国、西欧和亚洲,其中美国为27.0万吨/年,占世界总产能的27.6%;西欧为23.3万t/a,占23.0%;亚洲 Isophthalic acid (IPA), also known as 1,3-phthalic acid or isophthalic acid, can undergo salt-forming, dehydration, hydrogenation, halogenation and other reactions in specialty fibers, polyester resins, unsaturated polyesters (UPR) resin, alkyd resin coating, printing ink, hot melt adhesive, polyester fiber dyeing modification and resin plasticization. It has a bright future in market development and utilization. 1. World Market Demand Analysis and Development In recent years, the global IPA production capacity increased by a small margin. In 2003, the world IPA production capacity was 788,000 tons / year, in 2006 it was 810,000 tons / year and in 2010 it reached 980,000 tons / year. Production was mainly Concentrated in the United States, Western Europe and Asia, of which the United States was 270,000 tons / year, accounting for 27.6% of the world’s total capacity; Western Europe was 23.3 million t / a, accounting for 23.0%; Asia
山西省政协大院的西园,原为“傅公祠”,即傅山先生的祠堂。时近百年,多有迁变。现仅留有祠堂小院、正厅和部分西墙半壁廊坊五间。1983年省政协拨款重修,5月开工,于1984年9月5日正式开放,并将现有小院更名为西园。一为纪念前人,二为政协委员、各界人士、离退休人员和机关职工的活动场所。小院正厅门首书有“傅公祠”三字门匾,为省政协文史资料委员会原办公室主任、我省有名望的书法家田际康先生所书。  傅山,明