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床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。这是李白烩炙人口的小诗《静夜思》。历来,诗中的“床”字皆释为睡觉之床。然而,我总觉得这种理解是不恰当的。在古汉语中,“床”字一般有以下四种用法:一、卧具(即睡觉之床)。如《诗经》“载寝之床”。二、坐具。如杜甫诗“乘月坐胡床”。三、井栏。如古乐府“后园凿井银作床”。四、器物的架。如笔床、琴床等。我们若把 Bright moonlight bed, suspected ground frost. Look up the moon, bow to think of hometown. This is Li Bai's popular poem “quiet night thinking.” Historically, the word “bed” in the poem has been interpreted as a bed of sleep. However, I always feel that this understanding is not appropriate. In ancient Chinese, “bed” word generally has the following four usages: First, bedding (that is, sleeping bed). Such as the “Book of Songs” “bed with bed.” Second, the seat. Such as Du Fu's poems “by the moon sitting Hu bed.” Third, the well column. Such as the ancient Yue House “back garden sinking silver for bed.” Four, utensils rack. Such as the pen, piano bed and so on. If we put it
在思想品德教学改革中,“活动化”的教学策略,正被广大教师所关注。“活动化教学策略”是在教师的指导与组织下以学生主体参与、自主活动、积极探究、自我感悟为特点,以促进学生认知、情感、行为、个性等全面和谐发展为目的的教学形式。 在教学中如果学生缺乏主动精神,主体作用得不到充分发挥,就会制约了教学的针对性和实效性。如何提高课堂教学的效率,增强思品教育的实效,促进学生主动健康地发展?关键在于让思品课“活”起