Characterization and mapping of a new male sterility mutant of anther advanced dehiscence(t) in rice

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Anther dehiscence is very important for pollen maturation and release. The mutants of anther dehiscence in rice (Oryza sativa L.) are few, and related research remains poor. A male sterility mutant of anther dehiscence in advance, add(t), has been found in Minghui 63 and its sterility is not sensitive to thermo-photo. To learn the character of sterilization and the function of the add(t) gene, the morphological and cytological studies on the anther and pollen, the ability of the pistil being fertilized, inheritance of the mutant, and mapping of add(t) gene have been conducted. The anther size is normal but the color is white in the mutant against the natural yellow in the wild-type. The pollen is malformed, unstained, and small in the KI-I2 solution. The anther dehiscence is in advance at the bicellular pollen stage. A crossing test indicated that the grain setting ratio of the add(t) is significantly lower than that of the CMS line 2085A. The ability of the pistil being fertilized is most probably decreased by the add(t) gene. The male sterility is controlled by a single recessive gene of add(t). This gene is mapped between the markers of R02004 (InDel) and RM300 (SSR) on chromosome 2, and the genetic distance from the add(t) gene to these markers is 0.78 cM and 4.66 cM, respectively. Anthers dehiscence is very important for pollen maturation and release. The mutants of anther dehiscence in rice (Oryza sativa L.) are few, and related research remains poor. A male sterility mutant of anther dehiscence in advance, add (t), has been found in Minghui 63 and its sterility is not sensitive to thermo-photo. To learn the character of sterilization and the function of the add (t) gene, the morphological and cytological studies on the anther and pollen, the ability of the pistil being fertilized , inheritance of the mutant, and mapping of add (t) gene have been conducted. The anther size is normal but the color is white in the mutant against natural yellow in the wild-type. The pollen is malformed, unstained, and small in the KI-I2 solution. The anther dehiscence is in advance at the bicellular pollen stage. A crossing test indicated that the grain setting ratio of the add (t) is significantly lower than that of the CMS line 2085A. The ability of the pistil being fertilized is Most probably decreased by the add (t) gene. The male sterility is controlled by a single recessive gene of add (t). This gene is mapped between the markers of R02004 (InDel) and RM300 (SSR) on chromosome 2, and the genetic distance from the add (t) gene to these markers is 0.78 cM and 4.66 cM, respectively.
摘 要: 本文针对思想品德课的学科特点,探索多媒体技术在思想品德课中的应用,取多媒体技术应用之长,补思想品德课传统教学的不足,提高思想品德课的课堂教学效益。  关键词: 多媒体技术 思想品德课教学 运用    一、思想品德课教学中运用多媒体技术是时代的要求  随着计算机技术应用迅速发展和在我国的日益普及,许多家庭都购置了计算机。绝大部分学校也配置了各种档次的计算机。这些计算机大都配置多媒体硬件和软
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