Internet可以说是一个全球性的图书馆,一个浩瀚的知识海洋。但是如果没有一个方便的工具,则只能望洋兴叹。 Web浏览器为Internet用户打开了一扇进入Internet图形和信息世界的窗口。Web浏览器能够帮助用户抵达想要去的地方,看到想要看的东西。而近来的大多数浏览器更可以同时显示文本和图形,遵循超文本链接方式。不管怎样,一些浏览器以令人敬慕、风度优雅的方式实现,另一些则以直截了当、
Internet can be said that a global library, a vast ocean of knowledge. But if you do not have a handy tool, you can only feel disappointed. The Web browser opens up a window for Internet users to enter the world of Internet graphics and information. Web browser can help users reach where they want to go and see what they want to see. Most recent browsers can display both text and graphics simultaneously, following hypertext links. Anyway, some browsers are implemented in an admirable, elegant manner, while others are straightforward,