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新闻事件:前不久,国内最大的电子商务企业阿里巴巴对外宣布,将参股民营快递企业星辰急便,具体的持股比例、投资金额等细节均未透露。阿里巴巴集团和淘宝网副总裁张勇表示,阿里巴巴之所以选中星辰急便而不是其他规模已经很大的快递公司投资,主要是看重星辰急便在物流配送方面的经验和先进的物流理念,他认为星辰急便一开始就走的是电子商务路线,很多理念是为电子商务量身定做的。 News events: Not long ago, Alibaba, the largest e-commerce company in China, announced that it would not disclose the details of the shareholding private-owned express delivery enterprises and the details of its shareholdings and investment amount. Zhang Yong, vice president of Alibaba Group and Taobao, said that Alibaba chose Star Express instead of other large-scale courier companies to invest, mainly considering the experience and advanced logistics concept of Starbucks in logistics and distribution. In his opinion, Star Express started taking the e-commerce route, many ideas are tailor-made for e-commerce.
@@在Roentgen(1895年)发现X线之前,CaUender (1866),Cousin和Destor (1889)已经先后描述了舟骨骨折。他们发现这种骨折多见于青壮年,儿童和老人少见。Codman和Chase (1905)以及Des