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据《钱江晚报》报道,去年10月,宁波鄞州区田莘耕中学列出了100件事,要求在校学生在三年里体验完。一年多过去了,大部分学生完成了40多件事的体验,但学校在调查中发现,很多学生在体验过程中缺少家长的陪伴。校方列出的这100件事,大体可以分几种类型:有情感类的,比如陪家人进行一次散步,给父母洗一次脚,体验离愁别绪、思念之痛,体验一次月下漫步、细雨中漫步或踏雪寻梅的浪漫,衷心赞美你的朋 According to “Qianjiang Evening News” reported that in October last year, Yinzhou District, Ningbo Tian Xin farming listed 100 things, requiring students to experience in three years. More than a year later, most students completed more than 40 things, but the school found in the survey that many students lacked parental support during their experience. The 100 things listed by the school can be divided into several types: Emotional classes, such as taking a walk with their family, washing their feet with their parents, experiencing distress, painful thoughts, walking through the moon, drizzle In the romance of walking or snow-seeking, heartily praise your friends
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