自笔者在2000年《家庭电子》。第6期44页向读者介绍了,加装BST9804型图文板常见故障及原因之后,受到不少读者的深切欢迎。现笔者应多位业余电子爱好者及维修人员的强烈要求,把BST9804型图文板不足及改进方法介绍给各位多年来热心关注BST9804型图文板的读者朋友,希望能的维修方面带来帮助。BST9804型图文板自开发设计开始,就存在以下两点不足之处: 1.Z4遥控接收头连接插座之+5V电源,因设
Since the author in 2000 “home electronics.” No. 6 44 pages to the reader, installation of BST9804-type graphic board after the common failures and causes, deeply welcomed by many readers. Now I should be a number of amateur enthusiasts and maintenance staff of the strong demand, the lack of BST9804 type graphic board and improved methods introduced to you years enthusiastic attention BST9804 type graphic board reader friends, hoping to bring the maintenance help . BST9804-type graphics board since the development and design start, there are two deficiencies: 1. Z4 remote control receiver +5 V power supply socket, because