目的探讨人流术对再次妊娠并发症的影响。方法将1 697例阴道分娩的单胎初产妇按有无人流史分为人流组652例,无人流史1 045例为对照组。比较两组的妊娠期、分娩期并发症以及围产儿并发症的发生情况。结果人流组孕妇早期妊娠出血率和前置胎盘发生率均高于对照组,但妊娠高血压疾病发生率差别不大;人流组胎膜早破率、产后出血率、胎盘娩出期并发症高于对照组,早产儿发生率、出生低体重儿发生率、围产儿病死率也高于对照组。结论人流术后再次妊娠发生孕期并发症、分娩期并发症、围产儿并发症均与人流密切相关,积极做好避孕宣传、落实避孕措施、避免人流是预防或减少术后再次妊娠发生并发症的关键。
Objective To investigate the effect of abortion on the complication of pregnancy again. Methods A total of 1 697 cases of single-birth mothers with vaginal delivery were divided into 652 cases of abortion group with no history of abortion and 1 045 cases of no history of abortion as the control group. The incidences of complications during pregnancy, childbirth and perinatal complications were compared between the two groups. Results The rate of early pregnancy bleeding and the incidence of placenta previa in abortion group were higher than those in control group, but the incidence of pregnancy-induced hypertension was not significantly different. The rate of premature rupture of membranes, postpartum hemorrhage rate, The control group, the incidence of premature children, the incidence of low birth weight infants, perinatal mortality is also higher than the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Pregnancy complications, complications during childbirth and complications of perinatal pregnancy after abortion are closely related to the flow of people. Proactive contraceptive promotion and contraceptive measures should be implemented to prevent the abortion from preventing or reducing the occurrence of complications after pregnancy The essential.