1929年,应爱国侨领陈嘉庚先生的邀请,“承南京政府嘱命”,中央国术馆闽南国术团访问新加坡、马来西亚。这是中国历史上第一个民间武术团体出访,它“洗去病夫之耻,以求扬我国光”、“实开侨界未有之破天荒也”(民国18年12月7日《南洋商报称》),是中华武术开展对外文化交流的先驱,在中国武术史上谱写了光辉的一页。 闽南国术团的出访与永春尚武之
In 1929, at the invitation of Mr. Tan Kah Kee, a patriotic overseas Chinese leader, “Cheng Nanking’s lifeblood,” the Central South Martial Arts Corps of Taiwan delegation visited Singapore and Malaysia. This is the first visit by a folk martial arts group in Chinese history. It has “washed away the shame of the sick man in order to raise the glory of our country,” and “has never been unprecedented in the overseas Chinese community” (December 7, 1818, “Nanyang Merchant Reported ”), is a pioneer of Chinese cultural exchanges with foreign countries, in the history of Chinese martial arts wrote a glorious page. Southern Fujian Troupe visits and Yongchun martial arts