在当今日本影坛,还没有哪一部反映当代日本社会现实矛盾与冲突的影片,象伊丹十三去年执导的力作《女税务检察官》那样,在日本一经公映,便引起强烈反响。由于广大观众迫切希望得知本片女主人公——国税局检察官板仓亮子的前景以及命运究竟怎样,于是伊丹十三再次率原班人马,以逐日追风般速度抢拍成了该片续集。在《女税务检察官》中,板仓检察官奉命调查汽车旅馆老板偷漏税一案;她费尽心机稿出的结果更是诡异怪谲、光怪陆离。影片结尾留下的是一个令人困惑、蹊跷的答案;板仓亮子到底是破获违法份子的国家检察官,还是放纵违法份子的同谋呢? 正是在这种极为玄妙的境况中,本片续集又继之挑开了更加瑰异的情节——女检察官的对手更加凶险他是个披着宗教外衣,然而实质上是个心如蛇蝎、祸国殃民的土地暴发户。但板仓女士面对实力强大,暴戾恣睢的违法者,始终表现了从容不迫之态,甚至很有一番搭上性命也在所不惜的意味……影片风格较上集更加咄咄逼人。现年五十五岁的本片导演伊丹十三,是日本电影史上享有盛誉的电影艺术家伊丹万作之子。伊丹十三
In today’s film industry, none of the films that reflect the actual contradictions and conflicts in contemporary Japanese society have aroused strong repercussions in Japan, just like the “female tax prosecutor” directed by Dr. Itami last year. As the audience desperately wanted to know the prospect and fate of the film’s heroine, IRS Attorney General Bancang Ryoko, so Itazan once again led the same team of people to snatch the tempo on a day-by-day basis into the film’s sequel . In the “Ladies Tax Prosecutor,” Itakura prosecutors were ordered to investigate the case of a hoteliersteacher who evaded tax evasion; and her desperate effort to publish the results was even more bizarre and bizarre. The end of the film is a puzzling, strange answer; Bancroft Ryoko in the end is to break the law-breaking national prosecutors, or to indulge in the complicity of lawbreakers it is in this extremely mysterious situation, the sequel And then picked up a more extraordinary plot - the more dangerous the prosecutor’s adversary He is wearing a religious coat, but in essence is a heart like a viper, disastrous land upstarts. However, Ms. Bancot in the face of powerful, violent unrestrained criminals, has always shown a calm state, and even a lot to catch up with the meaning of life is also worth ... Film style is more aggressive than the episode. The 53-year-old film director Itami thirteen is the son of the world-renowned movie artist Ito Wan of Japan. Itami thirteen