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咱们工人有力量!当今时代,产业工人只有有知识、有技能,才能有力量!——孔祥瑞蓝领专家--记天津港中煤华能煤码头有限公司孔祥瑞操作队队长、党支部书记孔祥瑞作为人们熟知的全国劳动模范,在天津港生产一线工作了40年的孔祥瑞凭借执着的钻研精神和创新意识,从一名只有初中文化的港口工人成长为一名知识型产业工人、蓝领专家。他组织实施技术创新、技改技革项目220多项,获得国家专利10项,为企业创造经济效益过亿元。可以没有文凭,但不能没有知识“生产现场就是课堂,同事就是老师,我要把死知识变成活知识,把活知识变成真本事。” We workers have the power! In today’s era, the industrial workers only have the knowledge and skills to have the strength! - KONG Xiangrui blue-collar experts - recorded in Tianjin Port Huaneng Coal Terminal Co., Ltd. Hongxiang Rui team captain, branch secretary Kong Xiangrui As a well-known national model worker, Kong Xiangrui, who has worked in the front line of Tianjin Port for 40 years, has grown from a junior high school-level port worker into a knowledgeable industrial worker and blue-collar expert by virtue of his dedication and innovative spirit. He organized and implemented more than 220 technological innovation projects and technological innovation projects, obtained 10 national patents and created over 100 million yuan of economic benefits for the enterprises. There is no diploma but no knowledge. “” The production site is the classroom, the colleague is the teacher, and I want to turn dead knowledge into living knowledge and real knowledge into real skill. “”