患者男,45岁。因双侧阴囊内进行性肿大包块10余年入院。查体:心肺腹(-),阴囊皮肤无红肿、破损、肿胀;双侧阴囊内可触及2个大小不等包块,左侧阴囊内包块较大,范围约4 cm×5 cm,右侧范围约2 cm×3 cm,质中,表面光滑,活动度良好,无触痛,与双侧睾丸及附睾分界欠清,双侧腹股沟区未扪及肿大
Male patient, 45 years old. Due to bilateral enlargement of the scrotum within 10 years of mass admission. Physical examination: cardiopulmonary abdomen (-), scrotal skin without swelling, damage, swelling; bilateral scrotum can reach 2 unequal mass, the left scrotum within the larger mass, about 4 cm × 5 cm, the right Range of about 2 cm × 3 cm, quality, smooth surface, good mobility, no tenderness, and the bilateral testis and epididymis demarcation between the clear, bilateral inguinal area palpable enlargement