A Multi-level Index Lookup Algorithm and Its Implementation

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Routing lookup is an important technology for IP transmission network and IP-based packet switching network. Although the multi-branch trie tree lookup-algorithm is a fast and efficient routing lookup algorithm, it consumes large memory. The multi-level index lookup-algorithm, as an improved multi-branch trie tree lookup algorithm, is proposed. It expands the original two-level index to multi-level index and introduces a continuous flag bit storage method that is able to extremely reduce memory overhead of routing index table while not obviously affecting the lookup efficiency. Routing lookup is an important technology for IP transmission network and IP-based packet switching network. The multi-branch trie tree lookup-algorithm is a fast and efficient routing lookup algorithm, it consumes large memory. The multi-level index lookup-algorithm It as an improved multi-branch trie tree lookup algorithm, is proposed. It expands the original two-level index to multi-level index and introduces a continuous flag bit storage method that is able to extremely reduce memory overhead of routing index table while not obviouslyrousality the lookup efficiency.
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