
来源 :中国医学生物技术应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:billyte
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水蛭是传统中药,它的主要药效功能之一是具有抗凝血酶活性组分。而在中药材及其制剂中能否检测出具有抗凝血酶活性,除与药材制取方法和制剂制备的工艺有关外,还可能与所含有的伪水蛭素含量有关。本文报道应用凝血酶偶联带有氨基末端的磁性微粒,从两种水蛭干品浸出液中分离纯化水蛭素,通过对抗凝血酶活性的检测,以求取对药材质量的评价,本法工艺简单、快速,亦可用于批量生产的初步纯化,为进一步精制提供基础。 Leech is a traditional Chinese medicine, and one of its main medicinal functions is to have an antithrombin activity component. The ability to detect the presence of antithrombin activity in Chinese herbal medicines and their preparations may be related to the content of pseudo-hirudin contained in addition to the preparation methods of the medicinal materials and the preparation of the preparations. In this paper, the use of thrombin coupled with amino-terminated magnetic particles to separate and purify hirudin from the leech extracts of two leech extracts was used to evaluate the antithrombin activity to evaluate the quality of the medicinal materials. This method is simple, Fast, can also be used for preliminary purification of batch production, providing the basis for further refining.
To investigate whether there are some significant differences in English teaching for the two teaching methods(TBA and PPP),An experiment is conducted,which foc
在八月号的《纽约客》上,潘卡季·米什拉对Alex Von Tunzelmann的新作《印度之夏》(Indian Summer)作了简要评述,并对印度独立时期的历史进行了回顾。一九四七年三月,印度最
导读:感恩是一种好品质、好习惯,更是一种强大的力量。生活中常怀感恩之心能帮助我们正确地对待得与失,积极地面对人生。Science tells us that an“attitude of gratitude”
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本文调查肺心病病种公费与自费之间的差别,为公费医疗改革提供参考。 1 材料与方法 1.1 材料来源:抽取兰州市某综合医院1992年~1997年肺心病好转出院病例共138例,诊断全部符
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神经干细胞 (neuralstemcells ,NSCs)的发现和研究是近些年来神经生物学领域内最重要的进展之一。 1992年 ,国外学者从小鼠的纹状体区分离出了一类细胞 ,它能够在体外不断分裂增殖 ,且表现出多样