肾小管性酸中毒(以下简称RTA)为一综合征,1935年美国Butler等首先报道此综合征。高γ球蛋白血症伴RTA 六十年代方有报道,现将我院收治的3例报告如下,并重点讨论肾小管性酸中毒的诊断、鉴别诊断及高γ球蛋白血症性RTA 的发病机制。例1:刘××,女,48岁,住院号228284。1979年7月26日入院。患者无何诱因反复发作四肢软瘫四年半,同时伴有肌肉酸痛、口渴、多饮、多尿,经检查血钾低(2.1mEq/L),口服钾治疗后症状消失,每隔1~2月发作一次,先后住院八次,停药3~5天
Renal tubular acidosis (hereinafter referred to as RTA) is a syndrome, the United States in 1935, Butler first reported the syndrome. High gamma globulin with RTA side has been reported in the 1960s, now admitted to our hospital in 3 cases are reported below, and focuses on the diagnosis of renal tubular acidosis, differential diagnosis and the incidence of high-gamma globulinmia RTA mechanism. Example 1: Liu × ×, female, 48 years old, hospital number 228284. July 26, 1979 admission. Patients without any recurrent causes of recurrent limbs paralysis for four and a half years, accompanied by muscle soreness, thirst, polydipsia, polyuria, low blood potassium (2.1mEq / L), oral potassium treatment disappeared symptoms every 1 ~ Attack in February, has eight inpatients, withdrawal 3 to 5 days