生活在基层的通讯员,每天都和群众接触,对基层的情况比较熟悉,还要不要深入采访?从我担任报纸通讯员近20年的实践来看,我的回答是:要! 熟悉基层情况,固然是通讯员写稿的一个有利条件。但如果满足于“人头熟悉,情况了解”便“信手写来”,那就很可能“笔下生花”,造成新闻失实。有一次,我采访上海市劳动模范、上海市出租汽车公司驾驶员王诚辉热心为乘客服务的事迹,了解到许多感人的材料。我连夜写出初稿,第二天就送给王诚辉看。其中写了这样一个细节:“王诚辉喘着粗气,额上沁出的汗珠流淌到嘴角,咸咸的,使他认识到:当一名好司机真不容易。他一步一步地背着病人向小车
From the grass-roots correspondent who contacts with the masses every day, I am more familiar with grass-roots situations and do not have to make in-depth interviews. From my practice as a newspaper correspondent for nearly 20 years, my answer is: to be familiar with grass-roots situations, It is a favorable condition for the correspondent to write the manuscript. However, if you are satisfied with “familiarity with human beings and understanding of the situation,” they will “write by letter.” Once, I interviewed model workers in Shanghai, Shanghai taxi company driver Wang Chenghui enthusiastic about the deeds of passengers, learned many moving material. I wrote out the first draft the next day, gave Wang Chenghui look. One such detail was written: "Wang Chenghui gasped, sweat dripping from his forehead into the corner of his mouth, and salty, making him realize that being a good driver was not easy and that he carried the patient step by step To the car