王平祖籍南京,江苏句客人。1986年毕业于南京师范大学美术学院中国画专业,2006年毕业于苏州大学,获博士学位,2011年9月-2 012年7月清华大学访问学者.江苏大学艺术学院首任院长,南京邮电大学传媒与艺术学院首任院长,教授,硕士研究生导师。中国美术家协会会员,江苏省美术家协会理事,江苏省中国画学会常务理事,江苏省美术家协会省直分会副会长,江苏省徐悲鸿
Wang Ping ancestral home Nanjing, Jiangsu sentence guest. He graduated from the Fine Arts College of Nanjing Normal University in 1986 with a Chinese Painting major and a Ph.D. degree from Suzhou University in 2006. He was a visiting scholar at Tsinghua University from September 2011 to July 2012. The first dean of the Art Institute of Jiangsu University, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications The first Dean of Media and Art Institute, Professor, Master Instructor. Member of Chinese Artists Association, director of Jiangsu Artists Association, executive director of Jiangsu Province Chinese Painting Society, vice chairman of Jiangsu Province Artists Association Straight Branch, Xu Beihong