我们用仪器中子活化分析法测定了天然牛黄和人工牛黄中20个微量元素的含量。 天然牛黄样品用的是京津地区的京牛黄及进口牛黄两种。人工牛黄样品用的是北京药店现在销售的商品。用牛肝SRM-1577检验了实验方法准确度。测得元素的放射性统计误差为10~30%。
We measured the content of 20 trace elements in natural bezoar and artificial bezoar by neutron activation analysis. Natural bezoar samples are used in Beijing and Tianjin Beijing Begonia yellow and imported two kinds of bezoar. Artificial bezoar samples used by Beijing pharmacies are now selling products. The accuracy of the experimental method was verified with bovine liver SRM-1577. Measured elemental radioactive statistical error of 10 to 30%.