The patient, male, aged 11, was hospitalized on August 1, 1989 because of a headache and dizziness in September. His left limb was paralyzed with lethargy, vomiting and weight loss in May. Physical examination: Obscure, malnutrition. The left eye inward strabismus, horizontal eye tremor, pupil and other large circle, the presence of light reflex, corneal reflex slow, clear bottom of the binocular optic nipple. Left nasolabial fissure, neck stiffness. Cardiopulmonary normal liver and spleen is not. Left upper limb muscle strength Ⅰ ~ Ⅱ level, mild atrophy, painlessness, right upper extremity muscle strength Ⅱ ~ Ⅲ level, low muscle tone, Zabin positive sign. Thoracic heart and lung no abnormalities. Cerebral angiography and ventriculography