这是一部场面宏大、气势磅礴的欧洲中世纪古装片,实在是让人看得热血沸腾,喜欢冷兵器时代战争片的朋友有福啦! 阿拉伯冒险家艾哈默德·依班·法德兰(安东尼·班德拉斯饰)在旅行途中巧遇北欧人部族,被邀前往北方担任救援。北欧另一部族下遭受传说中“食尸怪”的不断袭击,面临灭族危险,传说中一定要有13位勇士联合起来才能杀死“食尸怪”,拯救村民。依班与另12位勇猛的武士到达目的地后,发现不停有村民遭到熊状怪兽的攻击,现场惨不忍睹。为了保卫家园,13位无畏的武士必须组织村民们协同作战,对抗这一强大而神秘的邪恶力量,一场血腥惨烈的战斗即将
This is a scene of magnificent and magnificent medieval European costumes, it is people see the passionate, like cold war weapon blessed friends! Ahmad Ibn Fandran, the adventurer of Arabs, met Nordic tribes during his trip and was invited to rescue him in the north. Under the attack of the legendary “Ghoul”, another Nordic tribe faces the danger of genocide. There are legendary thirteen warriors united to kill the Ghoul and save the villagers. According to the class and the other 12 brave warriors arrived at their destination, they found that villagers were attacked by bear-shaped monsters and the scene was appalling. In order to defend their homeland, 13 fearless warriors must organize the villagers to fight in unison to fight against this powerful and mysterious evil force, a bloody battle to be imminent