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在国内的几个大城市中,都有着所谓的双子星大学,基本都是“文理综”VS“工科综”的形式,各有所长,但学校知名度和实力相差不大。同城相处,学校与学校之间,免不了明里暗里的相互比较,更少不了那融不进第三者的惺惺相惜。就这样正正好,相遇2015年七夕节的零点时分,上海交通大学官方微博用一句漂亮而温婉的英文向复旦大学表露“心迹”:“Among thousands of people,you meet those you've In several major cities in China, there are so-called Gemini universities, which are basically in the form of ”science and technology comprehensive“ ”VS“ ”comprehensive“, each has their own strengths, but the school visibility and strength is not much difference . Get along the same city, between schools and schools, inevitably in the dark compared with each other, not to mention that it can not melt into the third person's sympathy. In this way, met at 2015 zero point of the Tanabata Festival, Shanghai Jiaotong University official microblogging with a beautiful and gentle English to Fudan University said ”Hearts “: ”thousands of people, you meet those you ' ve