Four-Girl Mountain

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Among the Henduan Mountains, there are four adjacent peaks that comprise the Four-Girl Mountain Range. They are located in Rilong Town on the border of Xiaojin County and Wenchuan County in Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. It is 3,160 meters high above sea level and 220 km from Chengdu. It lies among several tributaries on the northern bank of the Wori River, which flows on the southern side of the mountain. The total area is 450 square km. Some gullies stretch to more than 10 km and even to scores of km from the north to the south. Among the Henduan Mountains, there are four adjacent peaks that comprise the Four-Girl Mountain Range. They are located in Rilong Town on the border of Xiaojin County and Wenchuan County in Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. It is 3,160 meters high above sea level and 220 km from Chengdu. It lies among several tributaries on the northern bank of the Wori River, which flows on the southern side of the mountain. The total area is 450 square km. Some gullies stretch to more than 10 km and even to scores of km from the north to the south
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