Localized micronutrient patches induce lateral root foraging and chemotropism in Nicotiana attenuata

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwertasdfg122
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Nutrients are distributed unevenly in the soil.Phenotypic plasticity in root growth and proliferation may enable plants to cope with this variation and effectively forage for essential nutrients. However, how micronutrients shape root architecture of plants in their natural environments is poorly understood. We used a combination of field and laboratory-based assays to determine the capacity of Nicotiana attenuata to direct root growth towards localized nutrient patches in its native environment. Plants growing in nature displayed a particular root phenotype consisting of a single primary root and a few long, shallow lateral roots. Analysis of bulk soil surrounding the lateral roots revealed a strong positive correlation between lateral root placement and micronutrient gradients, including copper, iron and zinc. In laboratory assays, the application of localized micronutrient salts close to lateral root tips led to roots bending in the direction of copper and iron. This form of chemotropism was absent in ethylene and jasmonic acid deficient lines,suggesting that it is controlled in part by these two hormones. This work demonstrates that directed root growth underlies foraging behavior, and suggests that chemotropism and micronutrient-guided root placement are important factors that shape root architecture in nature. Nutrients are distributed unevenly in the soil. Phenotypic plasticity in root growth and proliferation may enable plants to cope with this variation and effectively forage for essential nutrients. However, how micronutrients shape root architecture of plants in their natural environments is poorly understood. We used a combination of field and laboratory-based assays to determine the capacity of Nicotiana attenuata to direct root growth to localized nutrient patches in its native environment. Plants growing in nature displayed a particular root phenotype consisting of a single primary root and a few long, shallow lateral roots. Analysis of bulk soil surrounding the lateral roots revealed a strong positive correlation between lateral root placement and micronutrient gradients, including copper, iron and zinc. In laboratory assays, the application of localized micronutrient salts close to lateral root tips led to roots bending in the direction of copper and iron. This form of chemotr op work was absent in ethylene and jasmonic acid deficient lines, suggesting that it is controlled in part by these two hormones. This work demonstrates that directed root growth underlies foraging behavior, and suggests that chemotropism and micronutrient-guided root placement are important factors that shape root architecture in nature.
【摘要】本文旨从语用的角度来解释翻译问题,在基于关联理论的语用学框架中,以隐喻翻译为例,用描述性而不是规约性的手段来观察和探讨隐喻翻译背后的语用学问题。采用的素材主要来自于诗歌和《红楼梦》等文学作品。  【关键词】关联理论 隐喻  一、引言  美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)于1967年提出的合作原则(Cooperative Principle,CP)和“会话含意”学说为语用研究提供了一
以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)野生型、H2S合成突变体(Atl-cdes和Atd-cdes)和ABC转运体突变体(Atmrp4、Atmrp5和Atmrp4/5)为材料,探讨乙烯诱导气孔关闭过程中e ATP与H2S之间的关系。结果显示,ABC转运体阻断剂格列本脲(Gli)、P2受体抑制剂磷酸吡哆醛-6-偶氮苯基-2,4-二硫酸(PPADS)和三磷酸腺苷双磷酸酶(Apyrase)
1 课题简介rn1.1 课题目标rn研发地震预测新技术新方法,开展构造活动动力过程及前兆机理的野外观测与室内实验研究,发展具有动力学含义的地震综合预测方法.开展区域预测预警
【摘要】随着我国社会的快速发展,对现代高职院校英语教育提出了越来越高的要求。高职教育是把知识转化为生产力的中转站,学生在学校里通过技能型的专业培训后,在进入社会后,把书本理论知识转变为现实的生产力。这就要求我们的高职教育要跟上社会发展,本文以高职英语教育为研究对象,首先对高职英语教学现状进行了分析,其次,指出了高职英语教学中存在的问题,最后,提出了完善高职英语教学的具体对策。  【关键词】高职院校
【摘要】本文对天津滨海新区各类用人单位人才需求进行调研,分析了新区发展形势对专业人才的要求,提出高职高专大学英语课堂改革的思路,使我院高职高专教育更好的服务于本地区经济发展,培养地区急需的各行各业应用型人才。  【关键词】滨海新区 工作现状 未来需求 大学英语 口语 改革创新  天津经济技术开发区,创立于1984年12月6日,国家综合配套改革试验区的一部分,是中国首批国家级经济技术开发区之一,在全
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Titles as the opening of the entire report,always play a pivotal role.This paper analyzes some translation methods of the news headlines and gives the correspon
【摘要】顶岗实习是高职院校学前教育专业的关键教学环节,对于学生踏上教师岗位,奠定教师专业的发展基础至关重要。本文主要从学生、学校、幼儿园三方面分析高职院校学前教育专业的顶岗实习所存在的问题,并且提出相应的解决策略,希望能够为顶岗实习工作的顺利开展提供有效帮助。  【关键词】高职院校 学前教育 顶岗实习  学前教育专业的顶岗实习课程是一门综合实践性很强的课程。是由学校、幼儿园、学生三方共同参与,顶岗