Tung oilseed, seed economic traits and seed oil content is an important economic indicator to measure the yield of tung tree.Therefore, to understand the relationship between the tung oilseed and seed traits, the tung oil content and its economic traits Which is of great significance to the breeding of elm seeds and the identification and utilization of genetic resources.In this paper, the research work on the selection of tung tree and the collection of the seeds of tung oil tree were carried out in 1980-1981, Some results are now sorted out as follows: First, the material and methods 1. Test materials Determination of fruit, seed traits of the province from 1979 to 1980 selected 18 tung tree fine individual strains of oil determination except 18 There are also 28 primary plants and 8 single plants which have been selected from the outside of the plant and 7 varieties or single plants introduced from other provinces such as Hunan, Guangxi, Zhejiang and Fujian,