人马座(22/11~21/12) 优点:热情、乐观、总是满怀热忱。无论是在感情上,还是在思想上,你的视野总是向着新的地平线,向往着遥远的国度。你热情好客、和蔼可亲、为人善良忠厚、思想开朗以及心胸豁达的性格,颇受人们的称赞。具有合作精神,与人和谐相处,对生活与事业怀着本能的理想主义。缺点:你有时会因循守旧、自身矛盾,做事很少考虑别人的能力极限,这样可是会引起别人的不满噢!
Sagittarius (22/11 to 21/12) Advantages: Enthusiasm, optimism, and always full of enthusiasm. Whether emotionally or ideologically, your vision is always toward the new horizon, longing for a distant kingdom. Your warm hospitality, affability, honesty, open-mindedness, open-mindedness, and open-mindedness are well received by people. With a spirit of cooperation, living in harmony with people, with the instinctive idealism of life and business. Disadvantages: Sometimes you will follow the old rules, self-contradictions, and work rarely consider the limits of the ability of others, but this will cause dissatisfaction with others!