房价问题关系到国计民生。随着我国房地产市场迅猛发展,越来越多的问题也暴露出来,过高的房价已经远远超过了广大居民的购房承受能力,并导致物价总水平的不断攀升,通货膨胀压力凸现。房价问题己成为社会各界讨论的热点之一。本文以全国35个大中城市为研究对象,结合Panel Data模型,运用多元回归分析方法研究住宅价格的影响因素。面板数据分析结果显示,人均可支配收入对住宅销售价格的影响最为显著;同时,通过比较东中西部的模型,分析我国住宅销售价格的区域差异,得出三大地带城市住宅价格的解释变量不尽相同,即使相同,其影响效应也是有差异的。在此基础上,本文提出了相应的政策建议。
Housing prices related to the national economy and the people’s livelihood. With the rapid development of China’s real estate market, more and more problems are also exposed. Excessive house prices have far exceeded the affordability of the general public and led to the continuous rise of the general price level. The inflationary pressures have emerged. Housing prices has become a hot topic of discussion in all sectors of society. In this paper, 35 large and medium-sized cities nationwide as the research object, combined with Panel Data model, the use of multiple regression analysis methods to study the impact of residential prices. Panel data analysis shows that per capita disposable income has the most significant impact on residential sales price. At the same time, by comparing the eastern and central western regions, this paper analyzes the regional differences in residential sales prices in China, and finds that the explanatory variables of residential prices in the three major urban areas are not Exactly the same, even if the same effect is different. On this basis, this paper put forward the corresponding policy recommendations.