智利著名建筑师Cazu Zegers极为重视建筑与环境的完美融合,正如她所言,″景观应该成为承载文化和生命的神圣载体″。这座由她担纲设计的独栋住宅项目Casa Soplo被轻轻安置于圣地亚哥市曼库胡山(Manquehue hill)的山脚,这座山被视为圣地亚哥的守护神。面对城市边缘一处如此非凡的场地,建筑师需要谨慎处理住宅与周边景观的关系,住宅整体上被设计为面向景观开放的构造,可眺望远方群山巍峨的壮丽景色。″Soplo″在西班牙文中意为″呼吸″,是一个如此富于灵性的词汇,涵盖了生命之本。建筑师引入自然元素与动态的设计概念,将无形的″呼吸″具象化为建筑语汇。在
The famous Chilean architect Cazu Zegers attaches great importance to the perfect integration of architecture and the environment. As she said, “the landscape should become the sacred carrier of culture and life.” Casa Soplo, a single-family home project she designed, was gently placed at the foothills of Manquehue hill in San Diego, which is regarded as the patron saint of San Diego. Faced with such an extraordinary venue on the fringe of the city, architects need to be cautious about the relationship between the home and the surrounding landscape. The home, as a whole, is designed to be open to the landscape and looks out over the magnificent landscapes of distant mountains. Soplo means “breathe” in Spanish and is a word so rich in spirituality that covers the very essence of life. Architects introduce natural elements and dynamic design concepts that translate the invisible “breath” into architectural vocabulary. in