A comprehensive analysis and evaluation of 12 mid-late maturing resistant sweet corn hybrids in Jilin Province was conducted. The results showed that the tested varieties all reached the national standard of bulk density of maize and the quality of the products was good. The lowest starch content of agricultural China 101, starch common type of corn; Beijing Section 968 highest, 75.41%, reaching the national standard of high starch corn; the public 899, Di Card 519, Wo Yu 203, Liang Yu 208 and Heyu 35 As secondary standard; Ji Nongyu 833, Ji Dan 50, Jinyuan 15, Heyu 47 and Zheng Dan 958 for the three standards. In addition to Nong Hua 101, other varieties of grain corn starch processing of high quality raw materials, can be used as high starch corn varieties for planting and promotion. Production performance of Nong Hua 101> Jidan 50> Beijing Branch 968> Liang Yu 208> Dhaka 519> Damin 899> Ji Nongyu 833> Wo Yuk 35> Wo Yuk 203> Golden Garden 15> Zheng Dan 958 (CK) > He Yu 47. Analysis of variance of yield showed that the difference between the two groups was not significant and the difference among varieties was significant.