在墨西哥(国际玉米小麦改良中心TOLUCA试验站)人工接种诱发田间条锈病的条件下,对源自中国四川的抗条锈病小麦品种川麦107与国际上条锈病研究广泛使用的感病品系Avocet-YrA杂交组合F5代的148个随机自交系(R ILs)进行抗病性鉴定分析,发现川麦107具有6对独立遗传的微效抗条锈病基因,其中4~5对以上的抗病基因叠加在一起可即达到高抗—免疫水平。
Under the condition of field stripe rust induced by artificial inoculation in Mexico (TOLUCA test station of International Corn and Wheat Improvement Center), the susceptible strain Avocet-1, which is widely used in stripe rust resistant wheat cultivar Chuanmai 107 from Sichuan Province, China, 148 random inbred lines (RILs) of YrA crosses were analyzed for disease resistance and found that Chuanmai 107 has 6 pairs of independently inherited SSR genes, of which 4 ~ 5 pairs of resistance genes Stacked together to achieve high anti-immune level.