八月对于习惯了北方天气的人们来说,是个怡人的天气,同夏天的炎热相比,少了几分浮躁:而同秋天的凄凉相比,又多了几分温馨:但就是在这样一个云淡风清的天气里,远在英伦的孙继海和李铁却在感受着两重天般的境遇,继海继续着他良好的状态稳稳占据着主力右后卫的位置;铁子则续演了上赛季继海的一幕,因为一张红牌而与板凳为伴。 不过,值得庆幸的是联赛才刚刚开始,后面还有许多比赛要打,只要两人能够一如既往地认真训练和耐心等待,一定会有展现自己的机会地。特别是对于在替补与主力之间游荡的铁子来说,平静的心态是必不可少的。我们也希望在不久的将来,也就是秋高气爽之际,能够同时看到两人在英超赛场上的飒爽英姿。
August is a delightful day for those accustomed to the northern weather, less fickle than the hot summer: a bit more warmth than the desolation of the fall: but that’s it A cloud of clear weather, far in England’s Sun Jihai and Li Tie are feeling the same dual natural situation, following the sea continue his good condition firmly occupy the main right back position; Iron continued After playing the sea last season, because of a red card with the bench. However, fortunately the league has just begun, followed by many games to fight, as long as the two can continue to train and patience, as always, there will be opportunities to show their own. Especially for ferns wandering between the bench and the main force, a calm mindset is essential. We also hope that in the near future, that is, when the ups and downs, can both see both valiant and heroic in the Premiership.