【摘 要】
《凌云志》是安德鲁·尼科尔(And rew Niccol)1997年编导的一部科幻电影,由伊桑·霍克(Ethan Hawke)、乌玛·瑟曼(UmaThurman)和裘德·洛(Jude Law)担纲主演。影片向我们描绘了一幅未来社会由优生学和基因工程所主导的图景——中产阶级与上层社会的子女都是通过孕前基因诊断和植入来确保得到父母最好的遗传特征。基因注册数据库可以通过血样和尿样立即检测和识别社会成员的
"Black sheep!" I remarked with a laugh. "I nevercount those when I'm trying to fall asleep at night."
德国西部内卡河(NeckarRiver)畔、奥登林山(Odenwald)附近坐落着古城海德堡(Heidelberg)。在民谣中海德堡有“将心留下的地方”之称:青山碧水、白墙红瓦,再加上荟萃了哥特、文艺复兴与巴洛克三种建筑风格于一身的海德堡城堡(Heidelberger Schloss)、被歌德(Goethe)赞为“as beautiful as no other bridge all over t
After pledging to hold a tobacco-free Olympics,Beijing proposed a comprehensive smoking ban in allpublic places that took effect on May 1st. China's 315million smokers, one fourth of its population, m
I hoard shoes. I buy shoes I don't need. I buy shoes I don'tnecessarily want. I go out to buy milk and somehow come back withshoes. Who doesn't love a sale?
Bernie Reubens is the younger son of a Jewish family living innorth London. His father Manny and uncle Jimmy have beenrunning a grocery store on the street for many years. There are afew things that B
Softly I am leaving,Just as softly as I came; I softly wave goodbyeTo the clouds in the western sky.
My own shopping nostalgia revolves around thedepartment stores of my childhood. In the North Jersey suburbswhere I grew up in the late 1950s and '60s, we had Sears andBamberger's for everyday use, but