Policy Implications for Carbon Trading Market Establishment in China in the 12th Five-Year Period

来源 :Advances in Climate Change Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youguxinzhu2009
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Based on the survey of international emissions trading system(ETS) and quantitative analysis,policy suggestions on establishing a carbon ETS in China are presented in this study.Sectors sensitive to carbon prices,e.g.,the power generation sector and the iron and steel industry,are given priority to be covered by the ETS.Interregional carbon trading should be carried out as early as possible.The cap of the ETS should be based on China’s carbon intensity reduction target with the floor carbon price for the market being set in the beginning.Suggestions on the infrastructure of ETS are also proposed,including the national wide carbon account registration system and the legislation to national measuring,reporting,verification system building. Based on the survey of international emissions trading system (ETS) and quantitative analysis, policy suggestions on establishing a carbon ETS in China are presented in this study. Sections sensitive to carbon prices, eg, the power generation sector and the iron and steel industry, are given priority to be covered by the ETS. interregional carbon trading should be carried out as early as possible. The cap of the ETS should be based on China’s carbon intensity reduction target with the floor carbon price for the market being set in the beginning. Suggestions on the infrastructure of ETS are also proposed, including the national wide carbon account registration system and the legislation to national measuring, reporting, verification system building.
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