1990~ 1999年我市水稻曾三次发生大面积倒伏 ,年度发生频率 30 % ,其中 1999年乳熟末期遭台风袭击 ,折实倒伏面积达到水稻面积的 55% ,加之倒伏后的连阴雨 ,部分田块发生霉变和穗发芽 ,给全市水稻生产带来重大损失。因此 ,抗逆栽培已成为水稻高产高效的一个不可忽视的技术内容
From 1990 to 1999, rice in our city once suffered large-scale lodging in three occasions, with an annual frequency of 30%. In 1999, the typhoon struck at the end of lactation in late 1999, and the area of fallow lodging reached 55% of the rice area. After the lodging, Mildew and spike germination, to the city’s rice production has brought significant losses. Therefore, anti-stress cultivation has become a high yield and efficiency of rice can not be ignored technical content