作者调查了爱尔兰一个锌-铜矿区对周围乡村环境的污染,取矿区邻近小学21个儿童的头发样品作分析,除砷用DDC-银比色法外,其余金属均用原子吸收光谱法测定。该地6种草的样品分析测定的平均值为:铜642ppm;砷68ppm;汞36.5ppm。作者援引其他报导的数值与本调查作对照比较,结果如下:(括弧中数字为最小值和最大值) 一、铜:
The authors surveyed a zinc-copper mine in Ireland that polluted the surrounding rural environment. Samples of hair samples from 21 children in primary schools in the mining area were analyzed. Except for arsenic, DDC-silver colorimetry was used for the determination of other metals, and all other metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry . The average of the six grass samples analyzed and determined at this site was: copper 642 ppm; arsenic 68 ppm; mercury 36.5 ppm. The authors cite the other reported values for comparison with this survey, with the following results: (The figures in parentheses are the minimum and maximum values.) I. Copper: